Choose to be Great: Celebrating and Reflecting (Y2:E33)

Despite no longer working in a school, I’m still amazed by the energy and dedication of educators everywhere.

Whether you’re wrapping up the school year soon or still have a month left like many of my friends in New Jersey, I hope you’ll take a moment to celebrate all you’ve achieved and consider how you and your school can grow next year.

Celebrate Successes: Take the opportunity to recognize the incredible accomplishments of your staff and students. Their hard work and resilience have made this year a success. Organize events or send personal notes to highlight the remarkable milestones achieved, both individually and collectively. Everyone deserves to be celebrated!

Reflect and Plan for Growth: This is also the perfect time for reflection and planning. Here are some ideas to guide this process:

  • Seek Feedback for Growth: Engage with your staff to gather their insights on how you can improve as a leader. Create a survey or hold informal conversations to understand what worked well and what could be better. This feedback is invaluable in shaping your approach and strengthening your leadership.
  • Intentional Planning for the Future: Take a deliberate approach in planning for the upcoming year. Reflect on this year’s experiences and identify areas where change or improvement is needed. Encourage your team to set goals and develop actionable plans that align with your vision for next year.
  • Professional Development: Identify areas where your staff could benefit from additional training or resources. Investing in professional development not only improves instructional practices but also empowers your teachers to feel more confident and capable in their roles. This could be through formal training sessions or a collaborative book study.

We’re either working toward greatness or falling away from it. By celebrating achievements and reflecting on how to improve, we’re continually creating greatness.



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